Monday, September 29, 2008

blogs, blogs, blogs

I read blogs. I read blogs of old friends, new friends, friends of friends and sometimes of people I’ve never met. I read gossip blogs, science blogs, food blogs, local blogs, crime blogs and sometimes the occasional reality television blog. Blogs are fascinatingly voyeuristic. They give me the ability to remain invisible while being able to peer into other’s daily life, read their opinions and discover their sense of humor. Blogs allow me to get to know people without having to worry about what they think of me or how should I act or respond or what I should say. So, I guess by starting a blog of my own I’m trying to stop being the constant observer, to open up a little to those who care to get to know me better and to stop being such a cyberspace wallflower.

1 comment:

belleshpgrl said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere! I love your masthead!